Tag: UAC

  • Consolidated revenue of JSC “UAC” increased by 29% in FY2013

    Consolidated revenue of JSC “UAC” increased by 29% in FY2013

    Joint Stock Company „United Aircraft Corporation” (MOEX: UNAC) announces audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 in compliance with IFRS. Last year the Corporation achieved significant growth in production, revenue and other key key indicators. The consolidated revenue amounted to RUB 220,065 mln from RUB 171,019 mln in 2012/ As a…

  • JSC „UAC” announces standalone net profit for 2013

    JSC „UAC” announces standalone net profit for 2013

    Joint Stock Company „United Aircraft Corporation” (MOEX: UNAC) announces audited standalone financial statements for 2013 in compliance with the Russian Accounting Standards (RAS). Revenue for the reporting period exceeded the result of previous year and amounted to RUB 12.1 bln. In 2013, as part of an optimized scheme of federal funding JSC „UAC” was a…

  • JSC „UAC” announces net profit growth by more than 12 times

    JSC „UAC” announces net profit growth by more than 12 times

    Joint Stock Company „United Aircraft Corporation” (JSC „UAC”), one of the leading aircraft manufacturers, announces the unaudited standalone financial statements for the first half of 2013 in accordance with the Russian Accounting Standards (RAS). Revenue for the first half of 2013 amounted to 2.7 bln RUB, which is lower than for the same period of…

  • United Aircraft Corporation’s Paris Air Show presence marks resurgence of Russian Aviation

    United Aircraft Corporation’s Paris Air Show presence marks resurgence of Russian Aviation

    The end of the Paris Air Show on Sunday 23rd June marked Russia’s triumphant return to the world aerospace arena after ten years, led by United Aircraft Corporation (UAC). The company presented its wide range of products – military, civil and transport – demonstrating the skill and potential of the Russian aviation industry. At the…

  • UAC zamierza wyprodukować 50 maszyn An-124 do roku 2030

    UAC zamierza wyprodukować 50 maszyn An-124 do roku 2030

    United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) według zapewnień swego prezydenta zamierz wprowadzić na rynek wespół z Antonowem sporą liczbę maszyn transportowych.