Tag: Camcopter S-100
Camcopter S-100 flies from ITS Bersagliere
Schiebel’s CAMCOPTER S-100 has taken a further step in consolidating its strong maritime position by being the first UAS (Unmanned Air System) to ever fly from an Italian Navy ship. The S-100 was flown from the ITS Bersagliere, a Soldati Class frigate and successfully carried out a number of missions for observers from the Italian…
Camcopter S-100 startuje z pokładu fregaty ITS Bersagliere
Camcopter S-100, aparat produkcji firmy Schiebel, wykonał udany start z pokładu fregaty ITS Bersagliere.
Dziewiczy lot Camcopter S-100 z nowym silnikiem
Camcopter S-100 odbył próby z nowym silnikiem.
Schiebel Camcopter S-100
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