Tag: airberlin

  • airberlin umacnia wiodącą pozycję rynkową w ramach węzła komunikacyjnego Berlin-Tegel

    airberlin umacnia wiodącą pozycję rynkową w ramach węzła komunikacyjnego Berlin-Tegel

    airberlin zwiększa liczbę lotów na głównych trasach europejskich w nadchodzącym harmonogramie letnim, a tym samym kontynuuje zmianę swojego profilu na przewoźnika sieciowego. Dodatkowe loty do i z Warszawy, Krakowa, Paryża i Tel Awiwu będą połączone z wszystkimi krajowymi i europejskimi portami docelowymi, a także z europejskimi trasami długodystansowymi, przez Berlin. „W ramach zmiany naszego profilu…

  • Remodeling of the airberlin Management Board

    Remodeling of the airberlin Management Board

    airberlin CEO Stefan Pichler has largely completed the substantial restructuring of the airberlin Management Team by February 22nd, 2016. With Neil Mills as the new CSPO and Oliver Iffert as the new COO airberlin has been able to get two internationally experienced top executives on board. Neil Mills (45) has been appointed Chief Strategy &…

  • airberlin is Germany’s most reliable airline: 99.5 percent of flights flown in 2015

    airberlin is Germany’s most reliable airline: 99.5 percent of flights flown in 2015

    Germany’s second largest airline has again scored top marks for regularity, with 99.5 percent of services flown in 2015. In aviation, regularity is a measure of the number of flights flown in relation to flights cancelled. In spite of the strike actions that dominated the aviation sector, and concrete effects amongst the direct competition, airberlin…

  • airberlin: With giant strides to Australia: 46 percent more passengers in 2015

    airberlin: With giant strides to Australia: 46 percent more passengers in 2015

    Australia attracts ever more tourists each year: since the launch of joint airberlin and Etihad Airways codeshare services to Australia in 2012, the airlines have seen leaps in growth on their current 39 weekly one-stop connections via Abu Dhabi to Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth. In 2015, the number of passengers booking a flight to…

  • airberlin: XL seats for XL comfort on board

    airberlin: XL seats for XL comfort on board

    airberlin sees very positive results from the introduction of additional XL seats on its long-haul fleet. In September 2015, Germany’s second-largest airline started fitting an additional five Economy Class rows of XL seats on each of its 14 long-haul Airbus 330-200 aircraft. In these 48 XL seats, airberlin passengers enjoy 20 percent more legroom for…

  • What an egg! airberlin offers 15 percent more flights for Easter

    What an egg! airberlin offers 15 percent more flights for Easter

    Why not hide your Easter eggs on the beach in Mallorca for a change, or take your Easter stroll in Iceland? In time for Easter, airberlin is increasing flights to popular destinations in northern Europe, Spain and Portugal, offering around 360 extra flights over the regular winter flight schedule. For example, airberlin is doubling capacity…