Air Commodore Peter Round Visited CBRN Centre


Director Capability, Armament & Technology, European Defence Agency Air Commodore Peter Round visited today (05.02) CBRN Centre in Kruševac.

During visit the European Defence Agency representative was introduced to basic information on the CBRN TC as Regional and Partnership Training and Education Centre, Serbian Armed Forces and CBRN Centre capacities for realization of the Course for detection, neutralization and destruction of CBRN IEDs (CBRN C-IED course), CBRN TC training infrastructure, CBRN equipment used in SAF units and capacities for CBRN training realization at Military complex Ravnjak.

Air Commodore Peter Round also met SAF Training Command Deputy Commander Brigadier General Jelesije Radivojević.

Surce / Author: SAF
Photo: SAF


