Mitteldeutsche Airport Holding: Traffic developments 2015

Leipzig Halle Airport Luftbild mit DHL Areal und Terminalbereich Foto Uw...

4,048,446 passengers in all passed through the two commercial airports operating under the umbrella of Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG, Leipzig/Halle Airport and Dresden International, during 2015. As a result, the numbers of passengers at both airports fell by 1.1 percent below the figures for the previous year, largely because of the cancellation of flights owing to strike action. Freight volumes at Leipzig/Halle Airport set a new record for the eleventh year in succession.

Leipzig/Halle Airport

2,321,975 passengers passed through Leipzig/Halle Airport last year. Following an increase of four percent in 2014, the figures for 2015 were almost the same as in 2014 – the decline was just 0.4 percent. The reason for this development was the cancellation of 114 flights to and from Leipzig/Halle owing to strikes. As a result, 8,270 passengers were unable to start their journey. In addition, the non-scheduled cancellation of 140 flights involving approx. 20,000 passengers to and from Tunisia had a major effect on the overall results.

The number of aircraft movements rose by 2.3 percent to a total of 65,061 take-offs and landings in 2015.

A new record for freight volumes for the eleventh time in succession – and a new overall record in December

Leipzig/Halle Airport set a new record for freight volumes in 2015 for the eleventh year in succession. Overall, the airport handled 988,240 tonnes, which corresponds to growth of 8.5 percent compared to the previous year.

The airport handled approx. 89,857 tonnes in December alone and set a new record for handling freight in any month in the company’s history. The volume rose by 10.3 percent in comparison with the same month in the previous year.

Dresden International

1,726,471 passengers passed through Dresden Airport in 2015, 1.9 percent fewer than in the previous year. This figure was largely due to the cancellation of 142 flights to and from Dresden owing to strikes. As a result, approx. 12,350 passengers were unable to fly to and from the airport. 30 flights to Tunisia were also cancelled and this affected approx. 2,700 passengers.

The number of aircraft movements in 2015 (30,197 take-offs and landings) roughly matched the previous year’s figure (a slight decline of 0.5 percent).

“The number of passengers at the airports in Dresden and Leipzig/Halle was affected by as many as eight strikes and the non-scheduled cancellation of flights to North Africa. We’re now looking forward to 2016 with a sense of optimism with new and extended services operating from Dresden and Leipzig/Halle,” says Johannes Jähn, the board spokesman at Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG, summarising developments. He adds, “Having registered the eleventh year of growth in succession, Leipzig/Halle Airport has underlined its position as one of the air freight handling sites with the most dynamic growth rates in the world.”

Source / Author: Mitteldeutsche Airport Holding
Photo: Mitteldeutsche Airport Holding


