Alaska Air Group Reports December 2015 and Full-Year Operational Results


Alaska Air Group Inc. (NYSE: ALK) today (05.01) reported December 2015 and year-end operational results on a consolidated basis, and for its subsidiaries, Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air. Detailed information is provided below.

AIR GROUP (including flights operated by third parties)

On a combined basis, Air Group reported a 9.9 percent increase in traffic on a 12.2 percent increase in capacity compared to December 2014. Load factor decreased 1.7 points to 83.3 percent. These statistics include flights operated by Alaska and those under capacity purchase arrangements, including Horizon, SkyWest and a small third-party carrier in the state of Alaska.

The following table shows the operational results for December and full-year 2015, compared to the prior-year periods:

December Full-Year
2015 2014 Change 2015 2014 Change
Revenue passengers (in thousands) 2,732 2,559 6.8% 31,883 29,278 8.9%
Revenue passenger miles RPM (in millions) 2,976 2,707 9.9% 33,578 30,718 9.3%
Available seat miles ASM (in millions) 3,574 3,184 12.2% 39,914 36,078 10.6%
Passenger load factor 83.3% 85.0% (1.7) pts 84.1% 85.1% (1.0) pts


Alaska reported a 9.8 percent increase in traffic on a 12.1 percent increase in capacity compared to December 2014. Load factor decreased 1.8 points to 83.6 percent. Alaska also reported 85.3 percent of its flights arrived on time in December, compared to the 80.0 percent reported in December 2014.

The following table shows Alaska’s operational results for December and full-year 2015, compared to the prior-year periods:

December Full-Year
2015 2014 Change 2015 2014 Change
Revenue passengers (in thousands) 1,965 1,830 7.4% 22,869 20,972 9.0%
RPMs (in millions) 2,694 2,453 9.8% 30,340 27,778 9.2%
ASMs (in millions) 3,221 2,874 12.1% 35,912 32,430 10.7%
Passenger load factor 83.6% 85.4% (1.8) pts 84.5% 85.7% (1.2) pts
On-time arrivals as reported to U.S. DOT 85.3% 80.0% 5.3 pts 86.4% 86.0% 0.4 pts


Horizon reported a 0.5 percent decrease in traffic on a 0.9 percent increase in capacity compared to December 2014. Load factor decreased 1.1 points to 79.7 percent. Horizon also reported 66.6 percent of its flights arrived on time in December, compared to the 81.0 percent reported in December 2014.

The following table shows Horizon’s operational results for December and full-year 2015, compared to the prior-year periods:

December Full-Year
2015 2014 Change 2015 2014 Change
Revenue passengers (in thousands) 658 652 0.9% 7,910 7,455 6.1%
RPMs (in millions) 188 189 (0.5)% 2,305 2,207 4.4%
ASMs (in millions) 236 234 0.9% 2,886 2,780 3.8%
Passenger load factor 79.7% 80.8% (1.1) pts 79.9% 79.4% 0.5 pts
On-time arrivals 66.6% 81.0% (14.4) pts 82.8% 88.0% (5.2) pts

 Source / Author: Alaska Air


