You can always check in one bag free when with you fly with SAS. We are now cutting the price all additional baggage and radically simplifying our pricing model and rules for special baggage. This marked price reduction applies to tickets bought online or at our self -service tickets machines at airports, for all types of baggage up to a maximum weight of 23 kg.
„We are making flying cheaper and simpler for everyone traveling with extra baggage,” says SAS Product Manager, Snorre Andresen.
Big simplification of special baggage
The new simplified rules also include all types of special baggage such as skis, golf clubs, bicycles, fishing equipment and musical instruments. The 23 kg weight limit is the only rule that will apply (32 kg in Business Class), provided the type of aircraft has enough physical space.
„We have listened to what our customers want and are delighted to now offer what is probably the simplest pricing model for all types of baggage in the airline industry,” says Snorre Andresen. „Now you can even include a large surfboard in your free baggage allowance when flying with SAS,” he adds.
New, lower prices (EUR):
· Domestic 25€ / Self service discount vs today: 38 %
· Europe 45€ / Self service discount vs today: 31 %
· Intercont 75€ / Self service discount vs today: 25 %
· SAS has simplified its policy for extra baggage and removed restrictions
· Cut prices when bought online or at a ticket machine
· Special baggage can now be included in baggage allowance
· Always 1 bag (23 kg) included with SAS
· EuroBonus Diamond and Gold members: Two extra free bags included with the ticket.
· EuroBonus Silver members: Two extra free bags included with the ticket.
· Separate rules apply for baggage that requires manual handling (animals and weapons).
Source / Author: SAS