No head wind is too strong for Gripen

At take-off, an aircraft uses the head wind to minimize the length of the runway it uses. However both the wind direction and speed can change a lot during a day. The powerful engine and the precise flight control system of Gripen allows the aircraft to handle this. This means that effective flight operations can be performed both in conditions with strong head wind and without the possibility to use head wind, so called tail wind.

With its powerful engine and smart design, Gripen E can also fly at supersonic speed, even without using its afterburner. This is called supercruise. This means that less fuel is used, allowing Gripen E to remain in the air for longer. The powerful engine in combination with the flight control system allows the aircraft to be operated effectively.

“I have flown about 40 different fighters and none of them obey me as precisely as this one,” says Richard Ljungberg, Chief Test Pilot at Saab.


Source / Author: Saab
Photo: Saab



