Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) demonstrated its latest variant of the combat-proven Griffin® missile, the Griffin Block III, throughout a series of test shots culminating in several direct hits against a variety of static and moving targets.
„The Griffin is already well known for its ability to destroy targets with pin-point accuracy using an advanced GPS and semi-active laser guidance. The Griffin Block III introduces an improved semi-active laser seeker and a new Multi-Effects Warhead System that maximizes the weapon’s lethality against a variety of targets,” said Mike Jarrett, vice president of Air Warfare Systems with Raytheon Missile Systems. „Block III’s enhancements will improve the warfighter’s ability to engage a broad set of static and fast-moving targets with assured confidence and greater performance.”
The Griffin missile’s new seeker adds enhanced electronics and signal processing to improve performance in the most challenging scenarios and expands the employment footprint. Production of the Griffin Block III missile is currently underway and the company expects it to serve as the core weapon for current and future Griffin users.
Source / Author: Raytheon
Photo: Raytheon