AN−158 regional jet completed tests on high− level airdromes of Latin America

AN−158 regional jet completed tests on high− level airdromes of Latin America. The ground and flight tests confirming possibility of operation of the AN−158 family in conditions of high mountains with basing on airdromes situated on 4000m above sea level were performed within the limits of this program in full volume.

Tests were carried out in airports of Latakunga, Ecuador (2800m above sea level) and La Pas, Bolivia (4000m above sea level).

At present, specialists of ANTONOV Company prepare documentation for obtaining correspondent supplements to the type certificate of this airplane.

It will allow considerably widening geography of operation of the airplanes of the AN−148/AN−158, including Latin America. Air carriers from countries of the region including Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, Nicaragua and Cuba expressed their intention to purchase about 50 such machines.


Source / Author: Antonov

Photo: Antonov



