Busiest September and strongest quarter ever for Edinburgh Airport

Edinburgh Airport has enjoyed its busiest September ever with more than 950,000 passengers travelling through – an increase of 9.0% on 2012.

The airport has also reported its strongest quarter ever, with over three million passengers arriving and departing in July, August and September.

A total of 958,944 passengers made their way through Edinburgh Airport in September. Domestic numbers were up 8.5% from 2012 with 429,738 passengers and international also saw an increase of 9.3% with 529,206 people travelling through the airport.

Gordon Dewar, Chief Executive of Edinburgh Airport, said: „Since May we’ve experienced more passengers travelling through Edinburgh Airport than ever before, this has been our most successful summer on record, with September being no exception.

„We’ve had a massive growth this summer, having also just reported our strongest quarter on record. We’ve clearly been the airport of choice and this is a great validation for Edinburgh Airport and the city as a whole.

„Throughout the busy summer the passenger has remained our top priority and we want to keep it that way. We’re constantly working hard to ensure they have the best airport experience possible.”

Edinburgh Airport has just announced several new routes for 2014, including the first direct service to Chicago which will launch in May 2014. In addition, the £25m terminal expansion will begin in mid-October which will offer passengers a new state-of-the-art new security facility and retail space.

2013 2012 Change
Domestic 429,738 396,079 8.5%
International 529,206 484,045 9.3%
Total 958,944 880,124 9.0%

Source / Author: Edinbourgh Airport


