Embraer listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index 2013/2014

For the fourth consecutive year, Embraer   (NYSE: ERJ; BM&FBOVESPA: EMBR3) has been listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI World Universe 2013/2014), announced today. Based on the analysis of several sustainability metrics, the DJSI lists companies that stand out for their economic, social and environmental performance.

The index lists 333 companies, and Embraer is one of four companies in the Aerospace & Defense sector included, among 34 eligible. The analysis is conducted by the Swiss sustainable investment company RobecoSAM, which invited the world’s 2,500 largest companies (by free-float market capitalization) from 59 sectors to take part in the evaluation.

In 2009, Embraer appeared in DJSI analysis as „Sector Mover”, which ranks companies by the number of positions gained among their peers. In 2010, when it was listed in the index for the first time, Embraer was rated „Gold Class”, reference given to companies with the best performance in their sector. In 2011, the Company was the Aerospace & Defense sector leader. Since then, Embraer has been maintained in the DJSI World, and this year also joined the newly created DJSI Emerging Markets Index.

Source / Author: Embraer



