NAVAIR: V-22 Navy variant receives official designation

Seaman Shelby M. Tucker - Osprey

In February 2015, the Navy announced the Carrier Onboard Delivery, commonly referred to as COD, platform of the future would be a maritime variant of the V-22 Osprey. Until recently, that aircraft was referred to as the Navy variant. Now, that V-22 has an official designation: CMV-22B.

The main mission of the COD platform is to provide the Joint Force Maritime Component Commander with time-critical, long-range aerial logistics support by transporting personnel, mail and priority cargo from advance bases to the sea base. The CMV-22B will be the same as the MV-22B with three additions. It will include an extended-range fuel system, a high-frequency radio and a public address system.

Currently, the Navy has planned for a total of 44 CMV-22B aircraft to be purchased. Production is expected to begin in fiscal 2018 and deliveries of the aircraft will begin in 2020.

Source / Author: NAVAIR

Photo: U.S. Navy / Seaman Shelby M. Tucker



