January with a record at Warsaw Chopin Airport

Lotnisko Chopina. Fot. Lukasz Widziszowski

Chopin Airport again broke a monthly record in the number of passengers handled. In January through our airport passed nearly 738,000 people. It is 7 percent more than in the same month a year ago. Our airport has been achieving record results continuously since October 2014.

At the beginning of 2016 Chopin Airport handled 737,900 passengers, exactly 48,000 more than in 2015. Number of passengers year-on-year rose by 6.9 per cent, which is an excellent result, taking into account, that high season is still ahead. Last year 80,200 inbound (+ 6.3%) and 6.576 million outbound (+ 7.0%) air passengers were handled, by 7% more as compared to the same period in 2014.

In January, the number of flight operations, including the operations of traditional and low-cost carriers, increased by 1.6 % compared to the same period of the previous year and totalled 9,700. The dynamics of the flight operations at Chopin Airport grows due to the domestic and international flights. Domestically 1,800 (-6.6%) operations were conducted, whereas internationally – 8,000 (+3.7%).

Two major events with serious organisational challenges await Chopin Airport this summer. The 2016 Warsaw Summit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) will be held in Warsaw on 8 and 9 July 2016. Head of states from at least 65 countries and the leaders of major international organizations are expected. 26th-31st July 2016 is the official date of the XXXI World Youth Day, which will take place in Krakow. Out of the 600,000 already registered pilgrims, many will stay in Warsaw for a while, land here or fly from here home. During both events the airport will have to not only to seamlessly handle the – even higher than usually in the peak summer season – number of foreign passengers, but also to meet the subsequent challenges in terms of security.

Source / Author: Chopin Airport
Photo: Chopin Airport


