Rolls-Royce has won a $2.7bn order from Norwegian for Trent 1000 engines and TotalCare® long-term service support for 19 new Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft.
The order also includes TotalCare for Trent 1000 engines that will power 11 previously-announced leased Boeing 787s yet to enter service.
Rolls-Royce will provide TotalCare with a fully comprehensive Availability Service Solution for all 30 aircraft and this will now also cover eight Norwegian 787s already in service.
Bjorn Kjos, Norwegian, Chief Executive Officer, said: „This decision further develops our relationship with Rolls-Royce and we look forward to operating aircraft powered by the latest version of the Trent 1000, which sets new standards of performance.”
Eric Schulz, Rolls-Royce, President – Civil Aerospace, said: „This is another significant decision in favour of the Trent 1000, an engine that delivers exceptional economics and performance. We continue to innovate and develop new services and it is great to see Norwegian selecting Availability Service Solutions for their TotalCare as part of this deal.”
Availability Service Solutions cover technical and engine parts support that helps aircraft operators meet their schedules.
The airline also has options for 10 further aircraft which, if confirmed, will be powered by the Trent 1000.
Source / Author: Rolls-Royce
Photo: Rolls-Royce