EBAA Looks at Italy and Developing Global Markets from the Ground Up


On 29 September, the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA), in partnership with the Italian Business Aviation Association (IBAA) is hosting a conference at Rome’s Luiss Guido Carli University to explore how to leverage Italy’s business aviation market as an engine for economic growth. The event will bring together business aircraft operators, service providers, and financiers from across Europe, and senior Italian Government officials, including Mr Vito Cozzoli, Head of the Cabinet, Italian Ministry of Economic Development; and Mr Alessio Quaranta, Director General, Italian Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC).

Italy is one of the four largest business aviation markets in Europe – along with France, Germany and the UK. But in recent years growth in the region has been stunted by economic uncertainty and the misperception that business is a ‘luxury’ (case in point: Italy’s introduction in 2012 of the ‘luxury tax’ on business flights). The result is a relatively tough environment for business and business aviation, and an environment that thwarts the engine of economic growth.

“8% of air traffic movements per year in Italy are business aviation flights, and the Italian business aircraft fleet consists of 157 aircraft; two-thirds being light jets and turboprops fit for purpose,” said EBAA CEO, Fabio Gamba. “The market is so significant to the country, and faces such unique challenge, that we felt a forum was necessary in order to better understand the current situation and try to iron out any kinks that might be getting in the way of progress.”

Internationally renowned Italian clothing manufacturers and retailers for instance, so central to the economic interests of the peninsula, rely on business aviation to compete in a tough and increasingly global sector. Departing from airports across the country – Milan, Rome, Naples, Venice, Florence, Bologna, and a vast number of small and regional airports – business aviation is a vital valve at the heart of business in and out of Italy. It is also the veins within the country, connecting Italy’s North, South, and the numerous islands.

Just how business aviation is adding value to Italian industry – and not just for big business, but the plethora of Italian SMEs too – will be discussed at September’s Forum. The current state of the industry will be addressed, along with the challenges impacting the sector, and the measures that must be taken to enable a more business-friendly atmosphere that will act as a catalyst for growth in the sector, and for the country.

Source / Author: EBAA



