NZDF: Defence Force Sells Iroquois Helicopters

Iroquois nzdf

The retired Royal New Zealand Air Force Iroquois helicopter fleet has been sold, subject to final United States and New Zealand Government approvals.

Following an international tendering process, Dakota Air Parts of the United States has been selected as the successful bidder for 10 of the 13 airframes, and spares. The total sale was in the $3 – 5 million range.

Three airframes have been retained for display purposes: the Army Museum has NZ3802; the Air Force Museum has NZ3801, which is already on display, and NZ3808 will remain at Ohakea. A partial airframe has been loaned to the Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology as a training aid.

The Iroquois fleet was retired from service in June this year.

Source / Author: NZDF

Photo: NZDF



