IAF: Preparing for „Magic Wand” Absorption


IAF Air Defense Division has launched the absorption process of the new „Magic Wand” interception system with the establishment of a first founding team. The conversion process will be led by „Refael” company, which is in charge of the system’s development in Israel. „The team members will study the usage methods of the advance weapon. The conversion has officially started”, said Major Gilad Malka, commander of the founding team.

„Magic Wand” system will provide protection from medium-range missiles, joining the „Iron Dome” system, which protects from short-range missiles, and the „Arrow” system, which deals with long-range missiles. The new system will respond to threats unique to Israel. „This is without a doubt an historic day. The system takes off with the best of our people. The hourglass is running”, said Air Defense Division Commander, Brig. Gen. Shachar Shochat.

First Brigade to be Established Next Year
This is not the first time the Air Defense Division absorbs a new, trailblazing interception system, but the „Magic Wand” founding team is so far the largest to be established, and contains combat soldiers familiar with the different weapon systems of the division: „Iron Dome”, „Patriot” and „Arrow”.

„This combination of people will give the team a great head start, and that is why we chose its members carefully”, said Major Malka. „The team’s objective is to learn all they can about the system and pass that knowledge on”.
„A first battery will be established during the next year and the establishment of a first brigade will also be completed soon. We have a lot of hard work ahead of us. We are highly motivated”.

Source / Author: IAF / Vered Talala

Photo: IAF



