Jetstar Asia rolls out Ask Jess

Jetstar Asia has launched Ask Jess, a new 24-hour virtual assistant service on the Singapore website to offer customers the best in online self-service technology.

Ask Jess is a self-service tool that allows customers to get answers to queries relating to their travel experience including booking, baggage and seating.

Ask Jess uses Nuance Communications’ technology to deliver a conversational experience that simulates a human interaction allowing “Jess” to not only understand a customer’s words, but also what the customer wants (the intent).

The comprehension draws on Nuance Nina, an intelligent virtual assistant that leverages innovative natural language understanding (NLU) technology and delivers a conversational interface to web visitors which simulates human conversation.

Jetstar Asia CEO, Bara Pasupathi, said investing in innovation which creates a better customer experience can also help to drive down cost.

“Like Straight-to-Gate*, Jetstar invests in technology that saves our customers time and streamlines the whole travel experience,” he said.

“Creating a leading edge online experience and capability allows our customer service team to focus on our passengers with more specific and challenging requests, improving the experience for everyone.”

Whilst other businesses have embraced virtual assistants, Jetstar Asia is the first airline in Singapore to use technology that matches the user’s intent and uses conversation rather than straight web links.

Jetstar Group Head of Customer Care, Ian Watson, said that the technology was adapted specifically for the Singapore market.

“Ask Jess has a bank of more than 250 questions related to Jetstar Asia’s products and services. Jess has also been configured to recognise complex sentence structures and if there is a question asked in a way that she does not understand, we can add this into her vocabulary for the next time she is asked.”

Nuance Senior Vice President Asia Pacific Jason Stirling, said Jetstar was bringing the online virtual assistant concept to a whole new level with the introduction of Ask Jess.

“We’re confident that Jetstar Asia customers will see incredible value in the service that Ask Jess provides in terms of the natural, engaging and personalised experience it can deliver,” Mr Stirling said.

Ask Jess is fully integrated with Jetstar Asia’s existing live chat service which was launched last year, delivering a seamless handover to contact centre support when required.

Customers who prefer to contact Jetstar Asia may still do so via the call centre, live chat at, Facebook or Twitter.

Ask Jess is available on Jetstar’s Australian and New Zealand websites currently and will be rolled out progressively in different languages on the homepages for other airlines in the Jetstar Group.


Source / Author: Jetstar Asia



