Statement of the NATO-Ukraine Commission

We, the Foreign Ministers of the NATO-Ukraine Commission, are united in our condemnation of Russia’s illegal military intervention in Ukraine, and Russia’s violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. We do not recognize Russia’s illegal and illegitimate “annexation” of Crimea. We will continue to work together to reach a political and diplomatic solution which respects international law and Ukraine’s internationally recognized borders.

We call on Russia to de-escalate by reducing its troops in Crimea to pre-crisis levels and withdrawing them to their bases; to reduce its military activities along the Ukrainian border; to reverse the illegal and illegitimate “annexation” of Crimea; to refrain from any further interference and aggressive actions in Ukraine; to respect the rights of the Ukrainian population including the Crimean Tatars; and to fulfil its international obligations and to abide by international law.

We support the deployment of an OSCE monitoring mission to Ukraine.

We commend the Armed Forces of Ukraine for their courage, discipline and restraint, in the face of provocation.

As a tangible demonstration of Allied commitment to the Distinctive Partnership between NATO and Ukraine, we have agreed on concrete measures to enhance Ukraine’s ability to provide for its own security.

NATO and Ukraine will intensify cooperation and promote defence reforms through capacity building and capability development programmes. NATO Allies will also reinforce the NATO Liaison Office in Kyiv with additional experts.

Allies will continue working together with the Ukrainian government, the Verkhovna Rada and civil society to strengthen civilian control over the armed forces and related security sectors.

Allies support the measures taken by the Ukrainian government to advance reforms and to promote an inclusive political process, based on democratic values, respect for human rights, minorities and the rule of law.

We welcome Ukraine’s signature of the political chapters of the Association Agreement with the European Union on 21 March.

An independent, sovereign and stable Ukraine, firmly committed to democracy and the rule of law, is key to Euro-Atlantic security. Allies firmly support Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. We call on Russia to abide by these principles.

Source / Author: NATO



