Bombardier Aerospace announced today that it delivered 238 aircraft during 2013, compared to 233 aircraft deliveries in the previous calendar year ended December 31, 2012. The company also received orders for 388 aircraft, net of cancellations, compared to 481 orders, net of cancellations, for the previous year.
„The global economy has remained persistently sluggish, and with its recovery taking longer than originally anticipated, 2013 continued to be a challenging year for aviation,” said Guy Hachey, President and Chief Operating Officer, Bombardier Aerospace. „Despite this difficult environment, we put in a solid performance overall. We had a successful order intake that included firm orders from a broad base of customers located in both traditional and emerging markets. A few of these included Flexjet LLC, VistaJet, American Airlines, the Ilyushin Finance Co. (IFC) of Russia and Iraqi Airways.”
„Bombardier’s strategy of geographic diversification in targeted countries continued to gain momentum in 2013. Our focus to expand our products’ presence in growing international markets yielded results with orders from customers based in Africa, Asia-Pacific, China, the Middle East and Russia. We are encouraged by the volume of orders for both business and commercial aircraft, and the resulting strong order backlog. As well, we achieved a significant milestone with the sale of one of our Bombardier 415 amphibious aircraft to a customer in the U.S.,” added Mr. Hachey.
Business Aircraft
In 2013, Bombardier delivered 180 business jets, compared to 179 for the previous calendar year ended December 31, 2012. Bombardier delivered 10 fewer business aircraft in 2013 compared to guidance, mainly due to the transition from the Learjet 40 XR and Learjet 45 XR aircraft to the Learjet 70 and Learjet 75 aircraft, which entered into service in the fourth quarter of 2013. During this same period, the company received 305 net orders for business jets, compared to 343 for the previous year.
Commercial Aircraft
In 2013, Bombardier delivered 55 commercial aircraft, compared to 50 for the previous calendar year ended December 31, 2012. The 2013 deliveries were in line with guidance. During this same period, the company received 81 net orders for commercial aircraft, compared to 138 for the previous year.
Source / Author: Bombardier