U.S. fighters take over Baltic Air Policing Mission

As of beginning of the year the U.S. F-15C fighters take over the Baltic Air Policing Mission from Belgian F-16AM fighters.
Fourteen different nations have contributed to the Baltic Air Policing Mission thus far. Hungary and Italy have stated interest to participate in the mission in the future. The Baltic states are not the only NATO nations which airspace is patrolled by other NATO member states. Belgium provides air policing to Luxembourg and Italy is in charge of Slovenia and Albania. In addition, partner nations Finland and Sweden contribute to Iceland Air Surveillance Mission.
According to the decision made by the North Atlantic Council, NATO member nations provide air policing to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in rotations as of March 29, 2004 as the Baltic states joined the Alliance. At the Chicago Summit in 2012, the North Atlantic Council extended the Baltic Air Policing Mission to an indefinite period of time.


Source / Author: Estonian Defence Forces



