AIAC supports greater industry voice through Canada Job Grant program

Today Jim Quick, President and CEO of the Aerospace Industries Association of Canada (AIAC), issued a statement in advance of the meeting between federal Employment and Social Development Minister Jason Kenney and his provincial counterparts tomorrow:

AIAC applauds the federal government’s intention to directly include Canada’s employers in training and skilled labour programs through the Canada Job Grant program.

The aerospace industry’s competitiveness depends on employees who have access to high-quality training and upskilling programs so that they can continue to adapt to changing technologies and processes. In order to ensure that funding and resources are directed towards the types of training and upskilling that meet industry needs, it is imperative that employers have a voice in skills-related funding decisions.

We encourage the government and provinces to come to an agreement that gives greater voice to industry employers involved in training and upskilling current and incoming employees.

Source / Author: AIAC



