Candler Field Musuem: 7th ANNUAL VETERAN’S DAY

Please join us for our 7th annual Veteran’s Day Program on November 9th.  We have great speakers lined up in addition to patriotic music, vendors, good food, and lots of military displays.  We will have a drill team, honor guard, and a flag folding ceremony.  We will also have flybys of antique military aircraft including AT-6 trainers and Stearman trainers.  Lt. General David Poythress will be our speaker.  General Poythress was past commander of the Georgia National Guard.  He also served as Secretary of State and Commissioner of Labor of the state of Georgia.

2013 is the anniversary of the 50th year of the beginning of the Vietnam War and the 40th anniversary of the return of our troops from Vietnam.  The last U.S. troops were pulled out of Vietnam in March, 1973.  During our ceremony we will acknowledge and welcome home all Vietnam Veterans in a special ceremony.

We will also have the Spalding High School band along with a chorale group from the Oak Hill Baptist Church.   This is going to be a great event – one of the best yet.

In addition, we are raffling an AR-15 rifle that was donated by Bill Taylor and family, along with Communications Towers, LLC.  Raffle tickets are $20 each for this once in a lifetime opportunity.  This rifle has a $1,500 value including the magazine and scope.  Tickets may be purchased at Barnstormer’s Grill or by calling 770-467-9490.  You may also purchase online by CLICKING HERE.

Source / Author: Candler Field Musuem


