Air Canada Reports Record August Load Factor

For the month of August, Air Canada reported a record system load factor of 89.5 per cent, versus 87.9 per cent in August 2012, an increase of 1.6 percentage points.  System traffic increased 4.7 per cent on a system-wide capacity increase of 2.9 per cent. Air Canada reports traffic results on a system-wide basis, including Air Canada rouge, which began operations on July 1, 2013, and regional airlines from which Air Canada purchases capacity.

„I am pleased to report a record load factor of 89.5 per cent for the month of August,” said Calin Rovinescu, President and Chief Executive Officer.  „The increase in our load factor by 1.6 percentage points over the prior year underscores the effectiveness of our capacity management strategy. System wide, traffic grew 4.7 per cent, led by the Pacific, Atlantic and domestic Canada markets. This is the eighth consecutive month Air Canada has set new records system-wide for passengers boarded, and on August 15 we achieved a new single day record of 127,100 customers. During the month, we successfully completed the transfer of all 15 Embraer 175 aircraft to Sky Regional, our Air Canada Express partner, an important step in Air Canada’s regional diversification strategy and our ongoing cost transformation program. I thank our employees for maintaining their focus on our operational performance which continues to show year-over-year improvements, while taking care of our customers and transporting them safely to their destination during this peak travel season.”

August Year to Date
2013 2012 Change 2013 2012 Change
Traffic (RPMs mln) 5,995 5,727 +4.7% 38,830 38,087 +2.0%
Capacity (ASMs mln) 6,700 6,513 +2.9% 46,440 45,917 +1.1%
Load Factor 89.5% 87.9% +1.6 pts 83.6% 82.9% +0.7 pts
Canada RPMs 1,852 1,816 +2.0% 11,362 11,115 +2.2%
ASMs 2,111 2,077 +1.6% 13,705 13,490 +1.6%
LF 87.7% 87.4% +0.3 pts 82.9% 82.4% +0.5 pts
RPMs 802 794 +1.0% 6,277 6,199 +1.3%
ASMs 942 961 -2.0% 7,809 7,855 -0.6%
LF 85.1% 82.6% +2.5 pts 80.4% 78.9% +1.5 pts
Atlantic RPMs 1,760 1,664 +5.8% 9,726 9,517 +2.2%
ASMs 1,911 1,881 +1.6% 11,536 11,499 +0.3%
LF 92.1% 88.5% +3.6 pts 84.3% 82.8% +1.5 pts
Pacific RPMs 1,199 1,066 +12.5% 8,049 7,635 +5.4%
ASMs 1,301 1,149 +13.2% 9,263 8,655 +7.0%
LF 92.2% 92.8% -0.6 pts 86.9% 88.2% -1.3 pts
Latin America 
& Caribbean*
RPMs 382 387 -1.3% 3,416 3,621 -5.7%
ASMs 435 445 -2.2% 4,127 4,418 -6.6%
LF 87.8% 87.0% 0.8 pts 82.8% 82.0% +0.8 pts

* Australia has been reclassified to „Pacific” from „Latin America & Caribbean”.

Soure / Author: Air Canada



