Weekly Operations Update 17 Aug – 23 Aug 13

Weekly Operations Update 17 Aug – 23 Aug 13

906 EAW continues to work closely with the HN and CF to enable the 2nd ALOC. Planning is well advanced for Ex SHAHEEN STAR 6 which promises to be an excellent cross coalition and UK Services joint training opportunity. Looking ahead 906 EAW will be instrumental in the generation of UK Attack Helicopters to take part in a major Royal Naval Exercise due to take place in the autumn.

902 Expeditionary Air Wing

Visiting Aircraft Handling Section (VAHS) at 902 EAW is a small team consisting of Armament and Mechanical trade specialists. They are responsible for the safe handling of a variety of coalition aircraft arriving at 902 EAW bearing eagerly anticipated mail, supplies and personnel replacements. Frequently called upon to handle concurrent aircraft movements in extreme heat the VAHS Section epitomise the 902 EAW mission statement of ‘One Team, One Fight’ by pulling together and delivering the required support at all times.

902 EAW

Despite their small numbers, they are crucial to a broad spectrum of aircraft tasks, assisting the Movements Section with passenger and freight handling and carrying out refuelling with MT. Their ability to operate under pressure was tested recently when a C17 landed carrying mission critical spares. With an incredibly tight turn round time and under pressure to deliver, VAHS pulled out all the stops assisting in loading and unloading the aircraft whilst simultaneously refuelling. Doubling up as the Armament Section they are responsible for small arms issues and storage and the fitment and removal of defensive countermeasure flares on arrival and departure of assets in and out of Theatre.

904 Expeditionary Air Wing

904 EAW is currently based at Kandahar airfield (KAF) next to Afghanistan’s second largest city. The Expeditionary Air Wing is responsible for delivering Air Mobility, Attack and ISR capability across the whole of Afghanistan. This week Tornado GR4s from 12(B) Squadron have undertaken several reconnaissance missions using the RAPTOR pod. The images from RAPTOR give the ground commanders an amazingly detailed set of pictures in order to assist their planning. As always, our Tactical Air Transport Detachment of C-130 Hercules and BAe-146 aircraft have continued to provide flexible movement of troops and equipment day and night across Afghanistan.

903 Expeditionary Air Wing

Personnel of 903 Expeditionary Air Wing play a pivotal role in keeping the airfield at Camp Bastion open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is only through the professionalism of the air operations, air traffic, engineers, communications specialists, fire fighters and administrative staff on the Wing that enables the airfield to operate safely at such a high tempo.

903 Expeditionary Air Wing

This week the airfield at Camp Bastion, managed by personnel from 903 Expeditionary Air Wing, assisted is supporting several new users ranging from civilian operators of Mi-8 helicopters to new weapons systems and unmanned aerial vehicles. The tempo of airfield operations means that everyone from air traffic controllers to aircraft handlers and air operations staff to Motor Transport must coordinate activity to maintain the safe, secure and efficient flow of aircraft essential to maintaining the operations across Afghanistan.

Editor: Sqn Ldr Sherry

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