New Ukrainian aircraft AN−178 will get name from people


Collective of ANTONOV Company initiated a national contest for a name of a new transport aircraft AN−178.

AN−178 belongs to the high−tech Ukrainian projects, which is actively developed. The aircraft had been designing within less than 3.5 years. In 20 days after completion of the aircraft construction it rose into the sky. Less than in a month, the AN−178 successfully debuted at Le Bourget – 2015 Air Show. Nowadays, a new transport passes the test program. Within a period from November 8 to 12, the aircraft will be displayed at Dubai Air Show – 2015.

AN−178 has to become a worthy continuation of a line of world−known ANTONOV aircraft, including: AN−2 ANnushka, AN−22 ANtaeus, AN−124 RuslAN, AN−225 Mriya. According to Oleg Antonov’s allies, he gave to the aircraft the names with „AN” in their structure.

NATO knows the ANTONOV aircraft by other names. For example, AN−2 is called Colt, AN−22 Cock, AN−124 Condor, AN−225 Cossack. In the US classification these airplanes belong to the class of cargo aircraft, that explains uppercase letter „C” in their names.

The AN−178 name will be selected by you. We are waiting for your suggestions at the ANTONOV’s Facebook page ( Besides, you are invited to vote at this page. The name with the biggest number of likes will win. The contest will be conducted from October 22 to December 19, 2015. The winners will be awarded with special prizes from Antonov Company.

Source / Author: Antonov
Photo: Antonov



